Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This past weekend we traveled to Rupert, ID for my Grandpa Hernandez's funeral. While we will all miss him very much, it was a wonderful chance to celebrate his life and his family. Everyone was there, and I loved seeing them all. The girls got to know some of their cousins and aunts and uncles a little better, and my grandmother was able to see D.J. for the first time. Mackenzie and Savannah were amazed at all of their relatives and can't wait to visit with them all again!


On President's Day we took the kids to the local dinosaur park and museum. It was still too cold to go outside, but the kids had alot of fun looking at all of the bones and dino's that were inside. D.J. kept walking around saying,"That's amazing!!" It is definitly a place we will go to again.

This is Savannah in her cowgirl outfit. She is hoping to do the mutton bust at the rodeo this weekend, and had to have an outfit for it. We will find out later tonight or tomorrow if she will be able to participate.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Jones' have been busy lately! The girls had their dance recital last week and were fabulous! I will hopefully have video of their dances up a little later. We have also been shoveling snow all week. Sunday morning we woke up to about a foot of snow, and it snowed like crazy all day! Dallas dug us out so we could get to church and then put the shovel in the trunk so that we could dig our way back into the house! I love it though. Yesterday the kids and I went to the neighbors and dug tunnels into the mounds of snow. I threw DJ in and it about covered him completely! We played for about an hour and a half before we were just too cold to stay out any longer. Dj would only come in if I promised him a bath, and Savannah also had to be bribed to come in. Kenzie didn't last quite as long as the rest of us and was already inside in her warmest jammies. The first two pictures are of the girls in their dance gear and the rest are of our yard and neighborhood Sunday morning.