DJ was released from the hospital today. He looks really good and is feeling much better. His next surgery will be on February 24th, so hopefully we will have very little going on until then.
Friday, January 30, 2009
I knew there was a name for it!
My friend Clara sent this to me in an e-mail and I thought y'all might enjoy it. It pretty much sums up my life.
Recently, I was diagnosed with C. A. A. D. D. - Child Activated Attention Deficit Disorder.This is how it manifests:I decide to do the laundry. As I start toward the laundry room, I notice that there are cheerios all over the floor and my car keys are in the cereal bowl. I decide to pick up the cheerios before I do the laundry. I lay my car keys down on the counter, put the cheerios in the trash can under the counter, and notice that the trash can is full. So, I decide to take out the trash. But then I think, since I'm going to be near the mailbox when I take out the trash I may as well pay the bills first. I take my checkbook off the table, and see that there is only one check left, my extra checks are in my desk in the office/playroom, so I go to my desk where I find a sippy cup full of juice.I'm going to look for my checks, but first I decide I should put sippy cup in the refrigerator to keep it cold. As I head toward the kitchen with the sippy cup, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye--they need to be watered. I set the sippy cup on the counter, and I discover baby wipes that I've been searching for all morning. I decide I better put them back in the bathroom, but first I'm going to water the flowers. I set the wipes back down, fill a container with water and suddenly I spot the TV remote, one of the kids left it on the kitchen table. I realize that when they go to watch TV, I will be looking for the remote as they fight over who lost it, but I won't remember that it's on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I'll water the flowers.I splash some water on the flowers, but most of it spills on the floor. So, I set the remote back down, get some paper towels and wipe up the spill. Then I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do. At the end of the day: the laundry isn't washed, the bills aren't paid, there is a warm cup of juice sitting on the counter, the flowers aren't watered, there is still only one check in my checkbook, I can 't find the remote, I can't find the wipes, and I don' t remember what I did with the car keys. Then when I try to figure out why nothing got done today, I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all day long, and I'm really tired.I realize this is a serious problem, and I'll try to get some help for it, but first I'll check my e-mail.
Posted by Spring Jones at 4:41 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
DJ was readmitted to Primary Children's last night. He has not been able to keep any kind of nutrition down since his surgery, so they want to observe him for a day or two and see if they can get him feeling a little better. He seems to be doing alright this morning, but they have not given him any kind of feed through his g-tube or anything by mouth. They should start a feed here in the next hour or so and we will see how it goes. I will keep y'all updated.
Posted by Spring Jones at 9:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Day that Wouldn't End!
Today DJ had his surgery, so of course we had a strict regiment last night. He was on his feed until midnight and then had Pedialight through his g-tube until 5 am. At 5 we woke up, got dressed and headed to the hospital where we registered and waited in pre-op until around 8:15. They took DJ in and put in another g-tube that matched his first one and they did dilations up to the size of a pencil. The Dr. said that everything went well and that we will meet again in three to four weeks to repeat the dilations. DJ, however, is less pleased with the situation. He doesn't like having the long tube back in and he is in quite alot of pain from his throat and also from where they they had to make the hole in his tummy bigger. We were in Recovery for almost four hours because of the amount of pain he was in and because he refused to drink anything. Finally at one o'clock we were able to leave and come home. He seems to be doing alright for now. He is well medicated and coloring in his books on the couch.Now if only I could catch a nap somewhere! Maybe in 15 years when all the kids are out of the house. Here's to dreams!
Posted by Spring Jones at 5:25 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
We made it to the Dr.'s today without any drama, which was nice for a change. They got us in right away and we met with the Dr. and made the plans for his dilations. His first one will be on Tuesday with another following in three weeks, and then possibly one per week after that. He is hoping that once he reaches the six week mark they will be able to be a little more aggressive during the dilations and be able to stretch things a little more quickly and not have to do more than four or five dilations. He cleared DJ to eat soft foods, but that is proving to be easier said than done. Apparently he has alot of scar tissue build up already, which is why they are starting next week. Anyway, he tried to eat some food for lunch and couldn't swallow even the tiniest of bites. It made me realize how bad he still is, even though he looks great on the outside. Hopefully after his dilation on Tuesday it will be a bit easier on him and he will be able to eat a little bit better.
In other things, Kenzie is at the temple doing baptisms tonight with the youth. She fought with me about going, but I know she will be wonderful when she gets back. That is how it always is, she argues about having to go, but while she is there the spirit is able to speak with her without interruption and she comes back refreshed and happy. Savannah is playing a game with Dallas in the living room and DJ is in bed on his feed and dozing off into dreamland. I will be following suit shortly, since i have school tomorrow. I am kind of sad that there are only four more months of school left. I have enjoyed my preschoolers, and I can't wait for next year. I will be better acquainted with the curriculum and can be a little more creative with a few things. TTFN
Posted by Spring Jones at 7:58 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
All I want for Valentine's...
...Is a maid. Dallas and I have been going through the house the past couple of days and cleaning everything out. We took a huge load over to the DI and now we are trying to figure out what to do with all of the stuff we threw away.My goal is to have the entire house clean including walls and baseboards washed by the end of the week, but we will see how it goes. It is nice to be a little more organized and to actually have all of the Christmas stuff out of my hallway. Now if only I could get Dallas to take down the lights outside, we would almost be caught up!
DJ is doing fine, although he has been really cranky today. We are trying to get him to walk around a little more so he can build his strength back up, and he does for a little while, but then he gets tired and very fussy. I hope that I can have my normal three year old back soon, but I don't know if that is possible. He is frightened of things now that he wasn't frightened of before and he is much more moody. We have moved his bed into our room so that hopefully we will all sleep better and that should help some. The most frustrating part is when it is time for dinner. He wants to eat real food and will just cry and cry for something that isn't a liquid. That is really hard for me, because I would love to give him something, but I can't so then he is mad at Dallas and I. Anyway, enough of my complaining. Things really are going alright, and we love having our little man home again. Tomorrow is his appointment with the surgeon, so we should know when his treatments will begin . Thanks for all of your support!
Posted by Spring Jones at 3:45 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
And we're home!!
Okay, so I have had much better days in my life, but on the other hand I have also had much worse. It's always fun when you go to the doctor's office and your doctor is on vacation and the other doctors are just looking at you and saying," We're not really sure what to do here." They did all put their heads together and come up with a plan, though, for which I am truly grateful. And luckily it did not involve another surgery which would have landed DJ in the hospital for another week. They took him down to Radiology, where after taking about half an hour to come up with a contraption to recover the string, place a new string/tube and a new g-tube, they sedated him, did an esophagram, and placed everything where it needed to be. It will at least get us to our appointment with Dr. Black on Wednesday where he can look at it all and see if it will work for what we need. If I never have to see and do something like this again I will be happy. I would like to take this time to thank the Army for training my husband in Combat Life Saving because he was calm enough in this situation to be able to place the Foley catheter into the hole in DJ's stomach while I was freaking out inwardly and trying to keep DJ calm outwardly. You never know what life is preparing you for.
Posted by Spring Jones at 9:50 PM 1 comments
And the Fun continues
Today has been eventful to say the least.I am right now at Primary Children's waiting for three o'clock. DJ tripped this morning and pulled out his G-Tube so we called the Doc and they told us to get right up here. Once we arrived they weren't sure what to do because his site is so new. As of right now they are going to take him down to radiology and do another esophagram. If all looks well they will try and place a new string and a new g-tube. If not then they will go back to the drawing board. Hopefully they will be able to place everything without another surgery and we can make it home tonight. Otherwise, back in the hospital we go. Please pray for us again, we need all the help we can get!
Posted by Spring Jones at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Our Christmases
Posted by Spring Jones at 7:32 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
A Timeline in Pictures
Posted by Spring Jones at 3:45 PM 4 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Very Tired, but Happy
Okay, so I know I have not written in a week, but we had a couple of snowstorms which meant no Internet for me. I will start with last Thursday and work my way up.
Thursday morning they put DJ's ventilator on standby to see how he would do. They did not expect him to breathe on his own for more than ten minutes, but he surprised them all and after an hour and a half they decided to bring in the ENT doc. They looked at his airway and said he could be extubated so that is what they did! He was still on quite a bit of morphine, but he was awake and looking marvelous in my opinion. They did not go in for a scope on Friday, but they did move him up to the surgical floor, which was wonderful. We had more privacy and Dallas and I were better able to spend the night with him. They weaned him off most of his meds over the weekend except for the morphine since he had surgery scheduled for Monday and he would just be put right back on it. Monday the went in and put what they call a G-tube into his stomach where he can receive his nutrition. Also they did another camera scope and placed the string from the g-tube up through the esophagus and out his nose. This will be used for his treatment later.Dr. Black said that he healing wonderfully and that he has never seen anyone with the severity of DJ's injuries heal so quickly. We were all very excited with the news. DJ, however, was not thrilled about the surgery at all and shot at his nurse with a Nerf dart gun! Tuesday was rough, but he did sleep through the night Tuesday night which made Wednesday much better. Dallas and I had alot of training for the G-tube so that we would be able to feed and medicate him ourselves which will come in handy since we were able to bring him home today!!!! That is right! We have our very own cranky three year old sitting in the living room! He will have to go back to Primary Children's for treatment, but whether or not he will have to be hospitalized again is not known yet. I would just like to thank everyone for all of their prayers. Dallas and I both know that every one's faith and prayers is why he is able to come home at this time. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Posted by Spring Jones at 10:29 PM 3 comments