Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Well, it is the week before Christmas and chaos is ensuing. Dallas is working like crazy, and the kids are getting more and more hyper. I will be doing the holiday baking this week, along with any last minute shopping. I hope we are able to make it down to Temple Square to see the lights before Christmas. Every time we make plans to go we get a snow storm and end up staying at home. The girls and I just can't drive on slick roads after our accident in January. Today is the last day of school for the girls, so tomorrow I will have all the kids home. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Kenzie's Birthday Party

Mackenzie had her 12th birthday party last night. It was of course a sleepover. They did makeovers and manicures, along with alot of movie watching and girl talk. The cake was Hannah Montana, and dinner was tons of pizza. She got a new winter coat and a Jonas Brothers cd, along with lots of other stuff. It snowed over night, so the girls spent the morning having snowball fights and building snowmen.They all had fun, and Kenzie was a gracious hostess as always. I can't believe my baby girl will be twelve on Tuesday!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

First Snow

We had our first snow last weekend, and the kids couldn't wait to go out and play. They made snow angels and built a snowman. DJ helped Dallas shovel the walk and the driveway, and Savannah threw snow at them while they worked. Mackenzie had fun with the snow angels, but then called it a day and went inside. DJ and Savannah would have stayed out all day if they could. This is my favorite time of year, and I hope we get more snow soon so that we can take the kids sledding.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! We had a wonderful weekend! Katy and Stephen came down for Thanksgiving at our house and joined Martha, Dennis, and all of my family for the big meal. Of course there was football on inside and played outside, and everyone stuffed themselves. On Saturday we decorated the Christmas tree, and then made our way downtown for the light parade and the lighting of the Christmas Village. There were fireworks after the lighting, and we wandered about for awhile. The kids had fun, and DJ loved the fireworks. I think they were his favorite part of the weekend. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Decorating at Nana's

Last night we went to my mother-in-law's house and helped pull out Christmas decorations. The girls were a big help when it came to decorating the tree, and they got to see all of Nana's many different decorations from all of the countries she has been in. DJ had fun, too. He liked to make piles of ornaments on top of tree branches. And of course they had to pose for the camera!

DJ just loves dancing!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

DJ and his cousin

My brother and his son came to stay for a few days this week. DJ really liked having someone his age to play with for awhile. They composed on the piano, had some snacks, and of course threw in a sword fight. I have come to the realization that no matter what you teach a boy he will always find a way to have a sword fight.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Well, nothing to exciting happened this week at the Jones' house. The girls received their report cards, and Dallas and I went to Idaho Falls for the weekend. He had a training conference there, and I went along for the ride. The kids stayed with Martha and Dennis and had a blast. I am sure they want us to go out of town more often if it means they can get spoiled by their grandparents. Thanksgiving is this week, so I will be running around getting groceries and baking like crazy. We are going to have a smaller group than I expected, but it will be a joy just the same.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

November 8, 2007

Today was a beautiful day here in Utah.The sun was out and the temp was perfect. For family home evening we made caramel apples. DJ just sat at the table going "yum!" until they were ready to eat. The girls had been begging to do this since before Halloween, and I finally broke down and got the stuff for it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

October 31

Happy Halloween!!! We had alot of fun on Wednesday. The kids got all dressed up for school, and Savannah had a party at school. Mackenzie dressed as a Goth Rocker, Savannah was a Death Eater from Harry Potter, and DJ was Bob the builder. Mom, Geoff, Ever, Kelsey, DiMitri, and Ramos came over for trick or treating, and brought home tons of candy. Then we went to my sister Autumn's house for some trick or treating, and finally to Dallas' mom's house. The kids were exhausted by the time we got home, and were in bed soon after.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

October 27,2007

Today was a busy day. First things first, the kids and I made our way down to the Hogle Zoo for their Boo at the Zoo. The kids put and their costumes and did some trick or treating while looking at all of the animals. This is D.J.'s new favorite place. When we got home we cleaned up the garden a bit, and then decided to carve our pumpkins. All three kids had one of their own and each one carved their own(with some help from mom and dad). The kids also raked the leaves up in the backyard and played in them. D.J. loved throwing them at people, and Savannah loved telling him who to throw them at. Mackenzie got in on the fun too, and decided to throw them in the air while posing for the camera.

Friday, October 26, 2007

September 2007

This was a crazy month. We finally got all of the unpacking done, and the house is starting to look normal. D.J. is loving the new house and the big back yard, and the girls are adjusting and making new friends. Dallas is getting used to his new office, and I am teaching preschool gymnastics twice a week. Savannah's birthday was on the 23rd, and we had a huge bash with lots of family and friends. It is nice to be so close to our family, but we miss all of you who are in other parts of the world.