Friday, October 26, 2007

September 2007

This was a crazy month. We finally got all of the unpacking done, and the house is starting to look normal. D.J. is loving the new house and the big back yard, and the girls are adjusting and making new friends. Dallas is getting used to his new office, and I am teaching preschool gymnastics twice a week. Savannah's birthday was on the 23rd, and we had a huge bash with lots of family and friends. It is nice to be so close to our family, but we miss all of you who are in other parts of the world.


Clara said...

Spring I love your blog! I can't believe how big everyone is. check out our family blog too.

Anonymous said...

Wow, everybody is so grown up. DJ you dont know me but I know you!!!! I hope we can come see you guys.

Love Uncle Larry