Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tag...I'm it

My friend Jenni tagged me, so here it goes.

10 years ago...
I was pregnant with Savannah. We lived in Tyler, and were struggling to make ends meet. I was serving in the primary as secretary and really enjoying it.

5 years ago...
We had moved to Colorado Springs and Dallas was in Iraq for his first tour over there. I was getting to know the women around me and also serving in primary as secretary. There seems to be a pattern arising.

5 months ago...
We were finally settling into our house here in Ogden and gearing up for the holidays.Mackenzie turned 12 and I was trying to come to terms with only having a year left before she turns into a teenager.

5 things on my to-do list today...

1. Clean my kitchen
2. Teach my preschool gymnastics classes
3. Go to Savannah's choir performance
4. Take my brother to school
5. Make sure Kenzie gets a ride to Mutual

5 snacks I enjoy...

1.Godiva Chocolates
2.Soft pretzels
3.Scones with honey butter
5.Krispy Kremes

5 Things I would do if suddenly I was a billionaire...

1.Buy a house with a huge kitchen
2.Buy a vehicle that would fit everyone comfortably
3.Pay for college for all the kids
4.Pay off student loans
5.Go on a very long vacation with my husband and no children!

5 of my bad habits...

1.putting off doing the dishes
2.never making my bed
3.biting my nails
4.procrastination in laundry
5.getting distracted by a good book when I should be doing other things

5 places I have lived...

1.Fredericksburg, TX
2.Ogden, UT
3.Colorado Springs, CO
4.Idaho Falls, ID
5.Gillette, WY

5 jobs I have had...

1.Ice cream scooper
2.Hotel receptionist
3.Customer service at ShopKo
4.Para educator
5.Day care provider

5 Things people don't know about me...

1.I have a huge amount of grey hair that my sister helps me hide
2.I talk to myself on a regular basis
3.I have fertility issues. My last to children were from chlomid.
4.I am terrified of driving in bad weather
5.I love doing math

5 people to tag...



Jenni said...

YOU are the one that got me hooked on Godiva truffles when you and the girls stayed with us for those few days. I love you for it but my checkbook does not!

If there had been a section for 15 years ago we might have both been together. Good times!

Spring Jones said...

Guilty as charged! Admit it though, it is so worth the cost every once in a while.