Monday, June 16, 2008

The calm before the storm

Okay, so things at the Jones' are going pretty good. The house in in a somewhat clean state and all the kids have been having fun out in the pool and keeping the arguing to a minimum. We had a bit of a problem with the air conditioning, but it is fixed now and life seems to running pretty smoothly. Father's Day was nice and calm. We went to church where Mackenzie gave a talk in sacrament, then we came home and vegged until dinner time. I made all of Dallas' favorites (steak, mashed potatoes, and peas) and Savannah made brownies. Bill and Neena should arive late tomorrow night, so we are trying to get everything ready for them. Other than that life is fairly mundane here in Utah. I hope exciting things are happening to you all!! TTFN


Jenni said...

Glad things seem to be manageable for the moment.