We are in the final countdown to summer. Savannah and DJ have four more days of school and Mackenzie has six more days. This, of course, is a sore spot with Mackenzie, and she spends quite a bit of time trying to convince me to let her skip a couple of days. Unfortunately she has finals during these last few days, so she will be stuck at school while her brother and sister are at home lounging around. My hope is that she will be able to survive this injustice and enjoy the rest of her summer. I have caught Dallas' cold, so I feel pretty miserable right now. However, life goes on, and I have things to do and places to go, so no rest for me. Savannah's award ceremony is today. She is one of the top readers in her school and is getting a small trophy that she is very excited about. DJ will be having water day at school today. He jumped out of bed this morning, gathered up everything he would need for the day, put on his swim trunks and shirt, and is now pestering me to put sunscreen on him. The fact that he doesn't even get on the bus for two more hours is irrelevant. He is ready to be at school RIGHT NOW!
Dallas has pending orders, but as of yet we have been unable to find out where the orders are for. Hopefully we will be able to find out soon and start making any arrangements for DJ's medical care. You would think I would be used to the waiting game by now, but alas, my true nature always shows how impatient I am about these things.So we wait. Well, I had better get moving and start getting things done.TTFN
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Nothing New
Posted by Spring Jones at 7:41 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The End is Near.
The end of school that is. It is the time of year when Field Day, field trips, and restlessness abound. When awards ceremonies and graduations must be attended. I can see summer just around the bend, and I am ready for it to be here.
Last week was Savannah's DARE graduation, and tonight we will be attending Kenzie's awards ceremony. I am not sure what she will be receiving an award for, but I look forward to finding out. We still have band concerts to see, and I have a Spring Dance to help put on at the elementary school, but after that I will have two and a half months of freedom. Well, except for the trips to Birmingham, making sure Kenzie is packed for girl's camp, taking her to EFY, and entertaining the children. Wait a minute...when does school start again?
Posted by Spring Jones at 1:49 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 30, 2010
Miss Mackenzie Jones
Posted by Spring Jones at 7:54 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Conversation with my Husband
Last night:
Me: I am so tired.
Dallas: You should be. You clean, cook, do laundry, drive to Birmingham at least once a week, drive the kids everywhere, deal with all of DJ's medical stuff, pay all of the bills, do all of your PTA stuff, and now you have added college courses on top of everything. You know what you need? One of those people that cook and clean and do your laundry and all of that other stuff.
Me: You mean a wife?
Dallas: Yes, exactly! You need a wife.
He then went on to tell me all about his evil plan to get me to marry him, and how it all worked.
I love my husband! I'm very glad that his evil plan worked. :)
Posted by Spring Jones at 12:06 PM 3 comments
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The link below
has a few pictures from Easter and some of the ones we took of Mackenzie for her school pageant. The pictures from Easter are a little weird because it was foggy, but I think they turned out alright. I usually just post from my camera, but DJ has taken to photography, so my camera is full of pictures of Power Rangers and Spiderman right now. Pulling them from Snapfish was much easier. :)
Posted by Spring Jones at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Your Favorites (9 photos), by Veronica Jones
I'd like to share my Snapfish photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Click here to view photos
Posted by Spring Jones at 12:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Maybe I am just Naive....
I am really struggling to understand people. I read these articles and comments made about the Church and it all gets very political and historical and they all argue with each other over every little detail. Now I know that we should study the Church History and what the prophets have told us and we should read the scriptures, but I have always been taught that after you do these things you should pray and ask for understanding and knowledge of the truthfulness of them. Why then do people feel the need to toss around their so called knowledge to try and belittle others and to prove how spiritual they are.
I also really don't understand those who say that they love the gospel, but then criticize the speakers at General conference for the tone of voice that they used or because they felt that their story was demeaning to women. It makes me think that maybe they missed the point. We are there to listen to the spirit. The speakers are there to teach us those things that our Heavenly Father wants us to know and work on. If we are listening with the spirit the other stuff just doesn't matter.
But then again, I am probably being too judgmental. I just have such a strong testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel, and I know that while our trials may be hard, if we just put aside what we think we know and truly listen with the spirit every thing will come a little easier and we will be able to find the understanding that we crave. Maybe I am a little naive, but I think I would rather be this way than arguing with everyone all the time.
Posted by Spring Jones at 3:13 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Everything seems to be going backwards...
With DJ that is. The rest of life seems to be moving along rather smoothly. The girls are happy and active, Dallas is working and organizing, and I am trying to be patient and stay sane. Pretty normal for us.
I get very frustrated with DJ's doctor, and I am trying really hard to be more understanding, but it doesn't always work very well. This last week has been one of those times when I have not been very successful at being calm and understanding. They are discussing removing a portion of DJ's esophagus because they are not making progress with the dilations, and he can't have a dilation done every two weeks for the rest of his life. I knew that it might come to this at some point, so I was not surprised when the doctor brought this up. Our doctor in Utah had thought that it might be the case last year, but then we moved and had to start all over with a new doc. We were hoping to have a decision made this past week, but they are waiting awhile longer before they decide. He will go in for an esophagram next week and another dilation the following week. Maybe by then we will have more news. I doubt it though. Those of you that know me know that I like to have things planned and to be in control of as much as possible, thus my frustration at having absolutely no control over this situation. Apparently this is a lesson that I must learn, and I am not liking it one bit.
Mackenzie will be participating in the Miss Enterprise Junior High Pageant this month and has practices starting this week. I am hoping that she does well, but she doesn't listen to any advice I might have, so again another situation I have no control over. Do we sense a pattern here? I am thankful that she will listen to her Young Women leaders and other members in our family, so hopefully she will be prepared for this.
I am looking forward to spring break in a week. we are hoping to make a quick trip down to Destin and the beach for at least a day, and I think the girls are looking forward to sleeping in. It will be hard on DJ though, since he loves school so much and doesn't understand why they don't go every single day. I am certain that he will grow out of that feeling soon enough, so I will enjoy his love of school while I can. :)
Posted by Spring Jones at 7:29 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 26, 2010
Am I a grown up yet?
So this past weekend I got a little older. I am now 32 years old, and I must say that I am actually starting to feel like a grown up. At least I have for the last five minutes. I may feel completely different by the time I am finished with this entry.
The theme of the weekend was fun with the family. We drove up to Montgomery and visited the zoo there. We also had lunch and did a little shopping. Dallas and I went out for Italian Saturday night, and then Sunday was a wonderfully relaxing time in the nursery at church. I got to play with my favorite legos and my favorite nursery kids. :)It was a magnificent weekend.
Monday started my crazy week, which has included the book fair at both the Primary and Elementary schools, a PTA meeting, Kenzie's cheer leading tryouts, a trip to Birmingham for DJ, a trip to Montgomery for Kenzie, Relief Society birthday dinner, and will be topped off with the Young Women's General Conference with Kenzie tomorrow night. Somewhere in all of that I also got a couple of hours sleep.
DJ'a dilatation went well, but the doctor has given us some indication that he may need to go in and remove part of DJ's esophagus within the next month or two. Dallas and I new that this might happen, and at this point we are ready to do what needs to done for DJ to be able to heal completely. Doing dilations every two weeks for the rest of his life is not an option. When we get more information about the time and what is going to happen I will let everyone know. I know that we have received many blessings from all of the prayers and thoughts from our friends and family, and we truly are grateful for all of you.
Well, Savannah is waiting for me to take her to her sleepover, and by waiting I mean she is standing over my shoulder and staring annoyingly, so I had better go. TTFN
Posted by Spring Jones at 2:47 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Snowy pics and Kenzie's dress
Posted by Spring Jones at 5:14 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
So I am having a crazy week, and next week will be even more insane. Somewhere along in all of the madness I will gain another year. This past year has had it's ups and downs, but for the most part it has been a good year. We are happy, and together, and even though DJ still struggles somewhat with his injuries, he is leaps and bounds from where he was last year at this time. The girls are beautiful and really starting to become there own people, and I have the most marvelous husband a girl could ever ask for. Yes, there are hard things that we have to deal with, and yes there are things that I wish were different, but I am so thankful for what I have that the things lacking aren't that big of a deal. I am excited to see what my 32nd year will bring. Hopefully it will be more good than bad, and if I am lucky I might get to see some of my favorite people along the way. :)
Posted by Spring Jones at 8:04 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
Conversations with DJ
DJ: Mom, what is this?
Me: It is a slug. If it had a shell it would be a snail.
DJ: No, mom, if it had a shell it would be a turtle.
If only I had known! :D
Posted by Spring Jones at 11:34 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I have been a big slacker, and several of you have let me know that I need to be doing better, so here it goes.
Life is Alabama is moving along at moderate speed. We are all keeping busy and enjoying the time we are spending together. Here is a person by person update of everyone in our little family.
Dallas, Jr. is loving pre-school and counting down the days until his fifth birthday. His favorite question is, "Is it May yet?" He is starting to progress with his treatments. They have been able to dilate him up to a 33 french, with the goal still being a 40 french. I am no longer having to take him to Birmingham once a week. We can now make the journey every two to three weeks, which has helped my disposition, I am sure. DJ is as resilient as ever, and actually looks forward to the trips and his mommy and me time. Hopefully by the fall he will be able to participate in all of the sports he is wanting to try.
Savannah is doing well. She is taking a break from soccer this season, but I think both of the girls are going to start tennis and horseback riding in the spring. She has been having a bit of a rough time at school lately, but things are starting to look up and she has been smiling alot more. I will be glad when the middle school drama is over. She is excited to be going to Utah this summer and visiting with her friends and family there.
Mackenzie is going full force. She is trying out for cheerleader this month, and next month she is participating in the Miss Enterprise Junior High pageant. This summer she will be going to EFY in Utah, YW camp, and we will be making a short stop in Fredericksburg. She has a list of activities that she wants to be in, and next fall she will also start seminary. I may have to remind her that she will need to sleep every once in awhile.
Dallas was promoted in February to SFC and given the job of Branch Chief of the 15P schoolhouse. I'm not positive as to what all of that means, but it is a good thing. :) He is busy, and happy, and we actually get to see him and do things as a family.
I am busy with the PTA, driving DJ to and fro, keeping house, my nursery calling, and whatever else I can find to keep myself occupied. I may start back to school next semester, but we will see how things are progressing with DJ first.
I hope this update helps, and I will do my best to update more often. TTFN!
Posted by Spring Jones at 1:55 PM 1 comments