Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nothing New

We are in the final countdown to summer. Savannah and DJ have four more days of school and Mackenzie has six more days. This, of course, is a sore spot with Mackenzie, and she spends quite a bit of time trying to convince me to let her skip a couple of days. Unfortunately she has finals during these last few days, so she will be stuck at school while her brother and sister are at home lounging around. My hope is that she will be able to survive this injustice and enjoy the rest of her summer. I have caught Dallas' cold, so I feel pretty miserable right now. However, life goes on, and I have things to do and places to go, so no rest for me. Savannah's award ceremony is today. She is one of the top readers in her school and is getting a small trophy that she is very excited about. DJ will be having water day at school today. He jumped out of bed this morning, gathered up everything he would need for the day, put on his swim trunks and shirt, and is now pestering me to put sunscreen on him. The fact that he doesn't even get on the bus for two more hours is irrelevant. He is ready to be at school RIGHT NOW!

Dallas has pending orders, but as of yet we have been unable to find out where the orders are for. Hopefully we will be able to find out soon and start making any arrangements for DJ's medical care. You would think I would be used to the waiting game by now, but alas, my true nature always shows how impatient I am about these things.So we wait. Well, I had better get moving and start getting things done.TTFN


Jenni said...

Kenzie will make through. Ash has to go to school for one hour on one day & can't believe how terrible that is.

Spring Jones said...

Our poor baby girls! How cruel the world is to them. :)