Sunday, April 26, 2009

Holidays, Birthdays, and the chaos that ensues!

Here it is! My month in review!
Easter was alot of fun. The Easter bunny brought baskets for the kids full of chocolate, and then we headed of to church. We are breaking in a new Primary Presidency and they all got up and did sharing time together which was alot of fun. It was neat to see how each person was so different in their presentation, yet they fit together perfectly. I guess Heavenly Father really does know what He is doing. After church we headed to my sister-in-law's house where we had a big egg hunt for the kids and Easter dinner. Nena was gracious enough to invite my family over also, so I was still able to enjoy everyone without having to do all of the cooking!

The next weekend was Dallas' birthday. The weather was beautiful so we had a barbecue at the house. His sister Katy was able to stop by with her kids on the way home from Seattle, so we were able to catch up with her as well. The kids are just growing so quickly it is sometimes hard for me to believe!
The rest of the month has been filled with pretty normal stuff. Soccer practices and games, end of year testing, work, and DJ's treatments. His next dilation will be on the fourth of May, and hopefully things will be improving. We will be moving soon, although the date and place are still not set in stone Anytime between August and December and anywhere in the United States. We will not be able to go over seas until DJ gets cleared medically, and it doesn't look like that will be happening any time soon!

Next month will be a full one. I have parent teacher conferences for my class on the 12th, and then preschool graduation an the 21st. DJ will have his gymnastics exhibition sometime next month, and the girls will be going on their end of year field trips and having choir and orchestra concerts. We will also be holding a yard sale to get rid of stuff before our move. Anyway,I am adding pictures from Easter and Dallas' birthday. I hope you all enjoy them.TTFN.


Jenni said...

Looks like Kenzie got a haircut too.
I recognized Katie as one of Dallas' sisters but wasn't quite sure which one as it has been so long since I have seen any of them.

Spring Jones said...

Yes, she was tired of her hair always blowing everywhere. Katy is His youngest sister.