Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The End is Near.

The end of school that is. It is the time of year when Field Day, field trips, and restlessness abound. When awards ceremonies and graduations must be attended. I can see summer just around the bend, and I am ready for it to be here.

Last week was Savannah's DARE graduation, and tonight we will be attending Kenzie's awards ceremony. I am not sure what she will be receiving an award for, but I look forward to finding out. We still have band concerts to see, and I have a Spring Dance to help put on at the elementary school, but after that I will have two and a half months of freedom. Well, except for the trips to Birmingham, making sure Kenzie is packed for girl's camp, taking her to EFY, and entertaining the children. Wait a minute...when does school start again?


Jenni said...

I'm with you, summer is a lot less hectic for me than the school year.
Of course that is when my kids get bored and have a propensity for getting into trouble.