Monday, February 9, 2009

Winter came back!

This is what we awoke to this morning. All weekend it has been beautiful and sunny and now winter has returned. DJ is very excited about this however, since he missed most of the big storms we have had this year. So, I will probably spend at least part of my day outside involved in a snow ball fight.

I also woke up to DJ's adapter leaking all of his feed all over the place. Everything was soaked and DJ was afraid he had wet the bed, but once I showed him what had happened he was was like,"Okay, whatever. I need clean clothes, mom." I am feeling the love, let me tell you. My goal today is to get my room completely cleaned out so that the delivery people can bring our new bedroom furniture tomorrow. Dallas and I are turning into real grownups now, we will even have matching bedroom furniture! We are also having our bathroom floor redone but that is out of necessity. The toilet broke while we were staying at the hospital and ruined the floor, so the landlords are replacing the floor and the toilet. So pretty much my house is chaos right now, but that is fairly normal around here.

One last thing, does anyone have any good ideas about what to do or where to go for Valentine's? Dallas keeps asking me what I want to do but I have no idea. I haven't really been thinking about and now it is upon us and we really need to get out of the house. All ideas are welcome! Thanks! And for those of you who haven't seen him recently, here is a pic of DJ. Sorry he is messy, but it is next to impossible for him to have a clean face for more than a minute! TTFN