Monday, May 5, 2008

The Wedding

My cousin Josh's wedding was on Friday and I was actually able to go. They were married in the Bountiful Temple, which is beautiful. I went by myself because Dallas had to work, but it was still nice to be in the temple and to spend a little time away from the world and with family.I am so glad to be able to spend time with this side of my family now. We didn't see a whole lot of each other growing up and it is nice to get to know one another as adults. Dallas was able to attend the reception that evening, and was able to meet many members of my family for the first time. The girls got to hang out with their cousin Bethany, and ended the evening mad at me because we couldn't take her home with us. The boys were just happy that there was food and ate until they couldn't eat anymore. I took some pictures, but my camera just isn't as clear as I would like in some instances. Maybe if I hint around enough Dallas will get me one for Mother's day or our anniversary. By hinting I mean I will take him to the store and tell him "This is the one you are buying me." It was a great day, and I am glad I took the time to attend.


Anonymous said...

By hinting I mean I will take him to the store and tell him "This is the one you are buying me."

This is so funny! But sometimes it's the only way to "hint" to a guy. Thanks for the blog.
