Tuesday, June 16, 2009


This past weekend we made a trip up to Yellowstone and actually camped in a tent the whole time. Now I do not mind camping, but I do mind getting eaten by a bear. We did see a bear just down the river from our campsite, but as far as I know they didn't come closer than that. It was a fun trip, and it was also the first time Dallas had ever been there, so we tried to see everything. We watched Old Faithful erupt, and walked the trails by geysers, hot springs, and paint pots. We saw waterfalls, mud volcanoes, elk, bison, coyote, grizzly bears, black bears, bald eagles, and several chipmunks. We were almost hit by a black bear. We were driving down the road when suddenly this bear comes racing out of the woods right in front of us. If we had been going the other way we would have definitely hit him. For some reason, Dallas wouldn't stop for pictures.:)

Now we are even more excited for our trip/move to Alabama. We plan on camping at the Grand Canyon and also near Carlsbad Caverns. There will be lots to see, and I promise to take tons of pictures. This will be my last post until we get to Alabama. the packers and movers will be here starting on Monday, so I will have no computer. We will miss everyone here in Utah, but we are very excited to visit all of our friends and family in Texas. See you all soon!TTFN


Jenni said...

This looks like a very fun trip, except for the sleeping in a tent part. I plan to travel and see all sorts of cool places when my kids move out and I have money again, ha ha!

I can't wait to see you guys. The countdown is on.