Thursday, December 25, 2008


Some of you may have already heard what has happened to DJ, but for those who haven't here is the news. Tuesday DJ swallowed some drain cleaner while we were fixing the sink and was life flighted to Children's Primary Hospital. He has severe burns to his mouth and esophagus and has been put into a drug induced coma. He is stable and although he is on a ventilator, his lungs sound clear and he will hopefully be able to breath on his own once the swelling has subsided. They will do another scope next week to see how he is healing and to see if any restorative surgery is necessary. I will keep everyone updated via the blog. We appreciate every one's support and prayers. Thank you.


christina said...

We will definitely be praying for him! I hope everything will go well! Please keep us posted!

Shannon Allen said...

Please let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do for you. Seriously! You and your family have been in our prayers constantly since the accident and I'm grateful to see your update. Please know we are right here if you need us.

Love, Shannon