Wednesday, December 31, 2008

More News

Today was the Esophogram and things went well. They shot dye into his esophagus and there were no holes in his esophagus and things are open as far as they can tell. They are taking him completely off the paralytic tonight so that his lungs can strengthen up some and see if they can extubate on Friday. If they can then they will do the camera scope again to check the esophagus from the inside and also place a feeding tube in his stomach. If they can't, he will go back onto the paralytic and we will wait another week or so. We are hoping that all goes well and he is out of PICU and in a regular room by this time next week. Happy New Year to everyone, and may you all have fun tonight!!


Debra said...

Spring, a bit of good news! Even though a small step, it's in the right direction. All of your Rothleutner "family" is praying for you here in Gillette.

M. Stans said...

YEAH!!!! It sounds like fantastic news. I am so glad. It will be so great to be out of ICU and to have him awake!!!
-Mikael Stans...

Jenni said...

It sounds pretty hopeful. Hope you still find some time and reason to celebrate.

Star said...

I check almost every day for your updates. Thank you so much for keeping us all updated on DJ's progress. I hope and pray things continue to improve. I am sure it is such a relief to have him in a normal room. I wish I were closer so that I could help more. Just know that you continue to be in our prayers and thoughts. We are with you in spirit.