Monday, December 29, 2008

DJ's Boots

As I said earlier DJ has to wear boots of some sort to support his feet so that he does not have problems later. Last night my mother in law and Dennis bought him some cowboy boots to wear while in the hospital. I think he will like them very much when he wakes up.(Savannah picked them out)
They started oral care today, so his mouth was very raw and sore. He cried a couple of times because of pain, and that was heart breaking, but all in all he seems to be doing alright. They are switching around some of his medications so that hopefully it won't be as hard and traumatic to bring him out of the coma when they need to. We are hoping to have him awake by this weekend, but it could still be several more weeks. The doctors say to hope for the best but expect the worst and that is what we are doing. The Lord has blessed us and we feel that although this may be a long trial all will be well in the end and DJ will be healthy and active again.


Jenni said...

I know it must be hard to come home from the hospital and then get on the computer but I appreciate the updates. Y'all continue to be in our prayers.

Melissa Hernandez said...

Hi, this is Melissa (Chris's wife). Shannon called us last night to let us know that your little boy was in the hospital, we just wanted to let you know that you guys are in our prayers and are thinking of you!! We will definately keep checking your blog to see how he is doing!

M. Stans said...

I love the boots! love Mikael Stans...