Thursday, April 17, 2008

The craziness of the Jones house

Okay, so I haven't been really good about keeping up with my blog lately, but I have a really good excuse. They are named DJ and Ramos. Having two two year olds in one house is a very big adventure. We have had chocolate syrup all over the floor, butter in hair, a whole bottle of shampoo used as bubble bath, a dresser pulled down, cereal bowls full of cereal and milk thrown across the room, and the usual toys everywhere. Needless to say by the time I have gotten all the kids in bed I am somewhat zombie-like.In other news, Savannah is enjoying being in soccer again. I am not as impressed with the soccer program here as I was with the one in Colorado, but we will see what happens. As long as she is having fun, that is really all that matters.Mackenzie went to her first stake dance last night. They usually aren't allowed to attend until they are 14, but they were doing a special square dance because of Trek this year and decided to invite the younger ones too. She felt special because she had learned alot of the dances in fifth grade, so alot of people (boys!!) wanted to dance with her since she knew what she was doing.

Dallas' birthday is Saturday. We are just having a quiet dinner at home with cake and presents afterward. He is not the big party person. He would rather be playing video games.Both of us were asked to speak on our missionary experiences this Sunday during Sacrament. It will be our first time to speak in the new ward, and I think we are both a little nervous. It is one thing to speak in front of a bunch of close friends and quite another to speak in front of people you hardly know.

I am slowly getting my schedule figured out. I still have to fit in my gym time, but I absolutely refuse to get up at 4 A.M. so that I can go run on the treadmill and then lift weights! Hopefully I can find an hour during the normal daytime hours. Wish me luck!


Jenni said...

I understand what you mean about the gym time. I try to go Tue and Thu while Ash is at soccer practice and Saturdays I am usually there at 7 am when they open otherwise it wouldn't happen all weekend. I haven't been in almost two weeks with crazy schedules and going out of town last weekend. You will figure it out and just don't beat yourself up over the times when it just doesn't happen.