Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life is a funny thing

Okay, so I got onto Blogger this morning to put up pics of Vannah's birthday and give everyone an update. I made the mistake of checking up on my friend Jenni's blog before I wrote anything, and she had the best website link in one of her posts. Needless to say, I have now spent an hour laughing hysterically and my poor family is starving and waiting for lunch! The website is and is worth a look. In the spirit of the site I have my own little anecdote to tell.

Savannah's birthday was Wednesday and I had pulled out all of the gift bags to wrap her presents. The next day I came home from running errands to find the living room completely covered in open gift bags full of DJ's toys. Dj shouted, "Look mom! It's my birthday party!" You gotta love kids!


Clara said...

Girl! I can't believe how grown up the kids are getting. It seems like yesterday we were taking Savannah and David to Kindergarten! It looks like you are enjoying Alabama. David wants to know if Savannah has a cell phone or email so he can keep in touch with her! I miss you guys call me sometime when you get a minute...Much Love

Jenni said...

I'm glad that I could get you to waste away half your life on MLIA too.