Thursday, April 15, 2010

Maybe I am just Naive....

I am really struggling to understand people. I read these articles and comments made about the Church and it all gets very political and historical and they all argue with each other over every little detail. Now I know that we should study the Church History and what the prophets have told us and we should read the scriptures, but I have always been taught that after you do these things you should pray and ask for understanding and knowledge of the truthfulness of them. Why then do people feel the need to toss around their so called knowledge to try and belittle others and to prove how spiritual they are.

I also really don't understand those who say that they love the gospel, but then criticize the speakers at General conference for the tone of voice that they used or because they felt that their story was demeaning to women. It makes me think that maybe they missed the point. We are there to listen to the spirit. The speakers are there to teach us those things that our Heavenly Father wants us to know and work on. If we are listening with the spirit the other stuff just doesn't matter.

But then again, I am probably being too judgmental. I just have such a strong testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel, and I know that while our trials may be hard, if we just put aside what we think we know and truly listen with the spirit every thing will come a little easier and we will be able to find the understanding that we crave. Maybe I am a little naive, but I think I would rather be this way than arguing with everyone all the time.


Jenni said...

I think often times it is easier to think that a talk was "out of line" or not "PC" than to asmit that maybe the spirit was trying to tell you something. I think that many people in the church who have these opinions have not truly understood, like you said through the Spirit, the message that was actually being delivered. I also am reminded of questions asked in our temple interviews about whether or not we support the leaders of the church. Basically it is black and white, a person does or doesn't. All the discussion and support of their slightly different opinions is usually just to make themselves feel better and justify whatever it is that they probably should not be doing.