Monday, March 3, 2008

Riley Ann

Riley's birthday was this past Thursday, so I thought I would put a couple of pictures up in remembrance of her. These are pictures that the hospital took of her.The little bear fits right into the palm of my hand, so you can imagine how little she was, only four pounds. We visited her grave sight on Thursday, but it wasn't really a sad day. We miss her terribly, but are reminded that we are sealed for time and all eternity and that she will always be our daughter. Dallas and I finally went and ordered the headstone for the grave. That took more out of me than going and visiting her, which I think is a little odd. I guess to each their own. The kids are doing well. Spring Break is in two weeks and then the countdown to summer vacation begins! Part of me can't wait for school to be over, but the other part of me wants time to go by as slowly as possible because these girls are just growing up so quickly! Mackenzie and I will be going to the Young Women's General conference at the end of this month, and then hopefully we will be able to get tickets for the whole family for one session of general conference in April. The girls are finally old enough to attend, and I think seeing the prophet in person will be a neat experience for them. Anyway, I am off to clean house and run errands! TTFN!


Lynn said...

Hugs from TX. Do you remember when Rose used to call you "Ping"?