Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ouch...That hurts!

It is the end of yet another week and here I am writing another entry. This week was a little different from the usual. The girls went to the dentist on Monday; both had fillings and Savannah had two teeth pulled. Needless to say, they were both pretty numb when we went to dinner at a friends house that night. Kenzie had a better time of it though since she still had all of her teeth. Savannah gave up about halfway through the meal and just took some of her food home. Next week will be the orthodontist for Mackenzie after which I will be comatose from the shock of the price of braces!

My aunt called last night and said that she will be in town this weekend and wants to come by. So now I definitely have to make sure the house is all clean, but the upside is that she is taking the girls to Lagoon for the day, so getting everything done won't be as frustrating.This is the last weekend for soccer which of course makes me happy, but it doesn't mean that life will slow down any. Dallas has to work the rodeo tomorrow night, and I guess the Army has sponsored the Winter Series Rodeos so he will be working most of those.

Martha had gone to Sara's on the East coast for a week and she brought back pictures of my niece and nephew.I haven't seen Emily since she was a baby and I have never seen Carson so it was nice to see how big they have gotten. I wish our families lived closer so that we could visit more often, but for now pictures will have to do.



Well, I am off to the land of laundry with a tour of the island of dishes! Hope everyones weekend is a good one!


Jenni said...

Teeth trauma is never fun. Sara's kids are so cute.