Thursday, December 4, 2008


We held Thanksgiving at our house again this year. It was nice to have all the family together and enjoy a good meal and watch a few football games. The women played Scattegories while the football games were on and much fun was had by all.Nena and I went shopping together on Black Friday and I was able to pretty much finish my Christmas shopping. I only have one or two more gifts to buy and of course stocking stuffers. Saturday we went to the light parade and the lighting of the Christmas Village. They had fireworks also, which the little boys just love. Sunday we celebrated Ramos' birthday and spent a little more time with my side of the family. Monday night Dallas, the girls and I went to see the Forgotten Carols at the events center here. I love going every year and even Dallas enjoys himself, although he won't admit it in public. Now we are closing in on my favorite time of year, Christmas. The lights are up and we are going to go to Temple Square on Saturday. We are practicing for the Christmas program, treats will be made and fun will be had! It really is a magical time of year!