Sunday, August 17, 2008

August, the busiest month of the year!

Well, it has been a crazy summer, but this month has just about done me in.We are getting ready to go back to school, which means I will be going back to work. Thursday I went to my teachers meeting and picked up my curiculum and everything else I would need to have ready for the first day. I am very excited about teaching preschoolers again, but I am also glad that I am only doing it two days a week. Kenzie will be in orchestra this year, and both of the girls will be playing soccer again this year. I have also agreed to be the age coordinater for the U-10 age group, which means that I have to get all of the teams made and the coaches found for that age group. DJ will be starting school this year also, so life as we know it will be crazy.

A couple of weeks ago we went camping down in Spanish Fork Canyon with Martha and Dennis. It was fun to be away from everything for a little while. DJ and Savannah had a blast digging and hiking and getting filthy. Kenzie did not join us because we went the night that Breaking Dawn came out, so she stayed with my mom and went and bought it at midnight. She had it finished by the time we got home the next day, and has reread it at least once that I know of. The girls and I also went and saw Corbin Bleu in concert during the Weber County Fair. They enjoyed the concert, and they even got Drew Seeley's autograph and pictures with him. For those of you who do not have tweenage girls in the house, he is the boy who sang for Zack Effron in the first High School Musical, and the one who played Troy in the first Tour of HSM. The things you learn for your children!! Anyway, I think that brings us up to date. I will try to update my blog once a week, and that will be a bit easier to do once school starts. I hope all of you had a wonderful summer!