Friday, August 29, 2008

The End of the Beginning

Well, today is the last day of the first week of school. The girls are happy with their teachers and classes, and I am officially broke. Mackenzie was fitted for her violin and she should be able to start bringing it home next week. I have mixed feelings about this. I am excited that she is learning to play an instrument, but not quite as excited about having to listen to the practices.Savannah I loving the fourth grade, and chatters about her teacher everyday after school. I am so glad that she has a reason to look forward to school and doesn't dread it. Soccer starts next week, so I am almost done with my duty there. I don't know if I will do this particular job again. It hasn't been to bad except for this one mother who has now taken to calling repeatedly and leaving nasty messages on my machine. Some people need to soooo get a life!

Dennis' family business burnt down Tuesday night. His daughter and grandson were in the building, but made it out okay. They believe that it was arson, but I haven't heard anything definite yet. The building was historical and had been there since the late 1800's, and Dennis' family had run there business from there since I think 1875. Anyway, they are still trying to figure how much the damage is totaled at, and I feel horrible for him. He and Martha went away for a few days for some peace and quiet and to regroup, which I think they deserve. I am terrified of our house catching fire and can't even imagine what his daughter is feeling right now.

We are going camping with the ward tonight, and then the rest of the weekend will be spent at home recovering from our weird week. My hope is to get in at least one decent nap, but we shall see.