Friday, August 22, 2008

The last week of freedom...for the kids

Well, here it is . The last week before school starts, and it has been fairly eventful. IT started out last weekend with all four children getting some degree of the stomach flu. DJ and Kenzie were the worst, with fevers and upset stomachs. Vannah wasn't too bad, just very uncomfortable without getting sick every ten minutes, and Ramos threw up all over my brother,turned to look at him, laughed and said, Daddy, I got you!". I hadn't laughed that hard in a long time. My brother always plays it cool and had never had that happen to him before. When my niece was sick last month and got sick all over my sister in-law, Ever laughed at her and swore that would never happen to him. So basically he cursed himself. Anyway, Saturday we had taken the kids to the zoo in Salt Lake with Dallas' dad who is up to visit for a few weeks. We had lots of fun, and the kids got to ride the train and the carousel, and we watched the bird show. Kenzie even got to do a little shopping at the gift shop, so all of the children left happy. Sunday they woke up sick, so I went to church by myself. Primary was fun as it almost always is. The older kids sometimes look at me like I am a bit crazy, but I think that is why they always end up singing louder. You wouldn't want to upset the crazy woman. However the little kids love me, and I have so much fun with them! I really do enjoy this calling.

Monday Dallas was off, and we just hung around the house. The kids felt better and were playing all over. Savannah went to Martha's house for a couple of days, and Kenzie curled up to a couple off good books. Tuesday DJ went to tumbling class and I actually got to work out for about 45 minutes. I felt really good for about two hours, and then the stomach bug hit me. Of course. So, Wednesday I was sick all day and had to miss Kenzie's back to school night. Dallas took her and he seems to approve of the majority of her teachers, which is a big improvement from last year. She is taking orchestra and wants to play the violin, but Dallas is trying to talk her into playing the cello. So far, she is not buying it. I don't think she wants to play an instrument that is bigger than she is.

Thursday I felt better, which is good since I had to go into work. It was our back to school day at the preschool, and I got to meet all of my kids. I also took DJ in to meet his teacher. He is so excited about starting school! I love this age when school is where they love to be, and it isn't such a chore to get them out of bed and ready for school.Which leads us to today. A beautiful Friday where I will be cleaning house and finishing up laundry. Tomorrow we have tickets for Acapella Stock, so we are going to go as a family and enjoy some good music. It is more my thing, but Dallas will suffer through with me because he loves me.Well, I have to go and actually do the things I am thinking about since I haven't inherited my magical powers yet.TTFN